Hillside Intermediate School students and staff attended an assembly on Wednesday, February 5, describing the historical story of Rosa Parks. Here are photos of the event that featured actors from Young Audiences of NJ who performed A Seat for Rosa.
School was not in session on Wednesday, January 29, but teachers and staff were busy sharing educational lessons and recommendations in rooms across the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District that day.
The school district’s PD (Professional Development) Day was held on January 29, when speakers held productive sessions on a wide range of topics at numerous school buildings throughout Bridgewater-Raritan.
School l was not in session on Wednesday, January 29, but teachers and staff were busy sharing educational knowledge in rooms across the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District that day.
The Bridgewater-Raritan Regional Schol District PD (Professional Development) Day was held on January 29, when speakers held productive sessions on a wide range of topics at numerous school buildings throughout the district.
The options to play a musical instrument in the band and the orchestra in the coming year were presented to the 4th Grade students at Adamsville Primary School on Thursday, January 30.
The music teachers and directors from the Hillside Intermediate School were on hand to discuss what instruments Adamsville students can play once they enter the school in September.
The Band Teacher and Director, Patricia Kearns, and the Orchestra Teachers and Directors, Tom Lewis and Carrie Jendza, played the vicarious instruments and discussed each one during their session for the Adamsville students to consider what they will want to play if they choose to participate next school year.
Fliers on the opportunities were given to the students to bring home to their parents and guardians. The Hillside teachers also reported that they can participate in the choral program at Hillside under Director Tony Sgro if they wish.
“We were here to explain what they can participate in if they want to play an instrument when they come to Hillside,” Ms. Kearns said.
Here are scenes from both the 5th Grade and 6th Grade Winter Chorus Concerts that were performed on Wednesday, January 15, and Thursday, January 16, at the Hillside Intermediate School before a packed gymnasium of family and friends.
Students and staff were all for one at the Hillside Intermediate School on Wednesday, January 15.
Hillside participated in the January “One and All” lesson during extended homeroom on the morning of January 15.
The lesson focused on the significance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his tireless efforts to stand against hate, prejudice, and racism.
Hillside staff said “We believe that our students share more in common than not, and that they learn best in environments that foster respect and celebrate diversity.”
As part of the lesson, students engaged in the “Hands of Hope” activity, which encouraged them to reflect on ways we can work together to foster empathy, kindness, and a stronger sense of community.
The goal of this activity was to provide students with the opportunity to express how they can do their part to contribute in making our community and the world a better place.
By sharing their thoughts through creative expression, they were able to actively engage in the message of unity and understanding that Dr. King championed.
Hillside Intermediate School students are working up an appetite for the holidays.
The Hillside students are burning off some extra calories before winter break by participating in their annual Hillside Holiday Hyperspace Tag Game. in the school gymnasium.
The students have had a great time and are working hard!
Last evening, the Board of Education awarded a bid to renovate the High School Performing Arts Center. This project is possible due to the success of our 2023 referendum and will commence at the end of the current school year. Please take a moment to look at the renderings.
The voyage of the Mayflower was launched from the Hillside Intermediate School.
Rebecca Czekaj recently guided her 6th grade Science students at Hillside through a fun STEM challenge: The Mini Mayflower.
Students were given one sheet of foil, one straw, scissors, one sheet of paper, tape and glue (by request) and were challenged to build a boat that would hold the most pilgrims (pennies).
The students tested their designs in a tub of water. The winning boat was able to hold 150 pennies plus a few nickels and a few marbles!
Great work, Ms. Czekaj!
Here are photos of the students, families, and staff who enjoyed the annual Breakfast sponsored by the Bridgewater-Raritan Education Association (BREA) on Friday morning, November 15, at the Hillside Intermediate School.
Hillside Intermediate School celebrated Halloween on Thursday, October 31 !
BOE Candidate's Night, which was sponsored by the Council of Schools, aired on October 14, 2024. You may watch the event by clicking using the link provided. https://www.youtube.com/live/Shq05Y5qLK4?feature=shared
The Media Center at the Hillside Intermediate School has been renovated for the 2024-2025 school year. Students and staff will enjoy the plush new surroundings and furniture in this crucial upgrade that was funded by the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District 2023 Referendum. The Hawks from Hillside can read a book and relax in comfort.
Hillside Picture Day is Thursday, September 26, 2024. You can order pictures online at mylifetouch.com. Our Picture Day code is EVTCS3TD4.
Hillside MAP Testing will take place on Wednesday, September 18 (Math) and Thursday, September 19 (Reading).
Dear Hillside Family:
In order to make sure that all of our students are dismissed from school in a safe and effective manner, please make note of the following procedure.
Any change in regular dismissal arrangements must be reported to the school by filling out the “Attendance, Tardy and Change in Dismissal Reporting Form” on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. For example, if your student usually takes the bus but will be picked up on a specific day, we must receive the PowerSchool form indicating who will be picking up the student, and the time of pick up if an early dismissal.
Also, if your student is regularly a car rider, even though they have a bus assignment, please also fill out the “Attendance, Tardy and Change in Dismissal form. We will mark them as a car rider for the rest of the year. Then we would need the Parent Portal form filled out only when they will take the bus.
Filling out the PowerSchool form ensures that the attendance office, main office and homeroom teacher are all aware of the dismissal arrangements and helps keep our students safe!
Thank you for your cooperation!
Dr. Tali Axelrod
September is library card sign-up month! All students and staff members in the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District are eligible for a free Somerset County Library System card. Visit this link to gain your card:
These student Hawks flew off the buses, soared from their family cars, and took a walk to enter the open doors and arms of the Hillside Intermediate School on Wednesday, September 4.
On this beautiful morning, all 11 schools in the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District began the 2024-2025 school year.
Hillside's dedicated staff, led by Principal Dr. Tali Axelrod and Assistant Principal Jacquelyn Ciurleo, were there to greet the 2024-2025 edition of the Hillside Hawks
There was plenty of excitement when students and families visited Hillside Intermediate School’s Grade 5 Open House on Tuesday, August 27.
The students and families toured the school and were educated on the layout and philosophies.
“It was amazing to talk and see the new students and parents and hear how excited they are to start here at Hillside," said Dr. Tali Axelrod, the Hillside principal.
Also excited were the central office staff, who could return to their friendly surroundings after upgrades were done over the summer.
A new security vestibule and the new gym floor that was recently varnished were other projects that will result in the start of school on Wednesday, September 4, an exciting event.
These critical upgrades were funded by our 2023 District Referendum.
Welcome back to School! School starts for ALL students on Wednesday, September 4, 2024! Check the website for Student Hours.