Panther Athletic Club

The Bridgewater HS Panther Athletic Club (PAC) is a vital part of our athletics program with a mission to support all BRHS athletic programs and student athletes by creating a bond between school personnel, coaches, athletes and parents. PAC is a 501 (c)(3) volunteer organization that raises money through concessions, after-school snack sales, the annual Basket Bingo and other fundraising activities to provide student athlete scholarships and overall support to the BRHS athletics program. We work with the Athletic Director and team coaches to help provide our students with the best high school sports programs and experience.  

 To date, PAC has donated more than $100,000 to BRHS in support of our teams and athletes including:

  • Senior Athlete Scholarships*

  • Facility improvements

  • Team gifts (team shelters, scorer’s shelters, flag poles, banners, etc.)

  • Team Wish List items

  • Varsity recognition

All are welcome and encouraged to join PAC to support our BRHS student athletes. Interested in volunteering? As many hands make light work, we’re always in need of help with after school snack sales, concessions and more – we’d love to have you join us! Please reach out at for more information and become a PAC member today!

Executive Board

Carol Confalone
Stacey Krizan

Co‐Vice Presidents
Shari Madsen 
Kelly Spirra 

Katie Rosander
Kathy Trebino

Recording/Corresponding Secretary
Lisa Esposito
Heather Kronengold

Have a question for the board? Contact PAC @ or

 *To be eligible for consideration for a PAC scholarship, student athletes/their families must be a member of PAC for at least 2 years (including senior year).

save the date

Basket Bingo

Save the Date – 4/10/25

Come join us for a night of fun at BASKET BINGO on Thursday, April 10th!

It’s our biggest fundraiser of the year with proceeds used to fund scholarships for eligible* graduating BRHS senior athletes. The night will feature an array of bingo games, the always popular Apron Raffle, 50/50, Basket Raffles and a whole lot of fun! Grab some friends and c’mon out for a great cause. A Grand Prize to be awarded for the best decorated table too.

Doors open at 6pm.  Games begin promptly at 7pm. 

Donations and volunteers help to make the evening a success. If you’re interested in making a donation or volunteering before or during the event, we’d love to have you! Please contact Carol Confalone or

Basket Bingo Registration - Coming Soon!

*To be eligible for consideration for a PAC scholarship, student athletes/their families must be a member of PAC for at least 2 years (including senior year)